At Hospersa, our dedication to addressing HIV/AIDS and TB is steadfast, spanning every level of our organization. We actively contribute to policy development, both on a national and international scale, underscoring our commitment to making a difference.

Empowering Through Education

Education is the cornerstone of our efforts. Hospersa has developed comprehensive training programs and publications, providing our shop stewards with accurate and high-quality information about HIV/AIDS and, more recently, TB. We firmly believe that knowledge empowers individuals to make informed choices about their health.

Promoting Access to Testing

Access to Voluntary Counselling and Testing for HIV is crucial, and Hospersa plays an active role in ensuring that workers can avail of this service within broader Wellness Screening initiatives.

Elected Advocates for Change

Within our organization, we have elected office bearers at both national and provincial levels dedicated to championing the cause of HIV/AIDS and TB. Their passion and dedication drive meaningful change within our union and at workplaces, where it matters most.

Encouraging Regular Testing

Regular testing is fundamental for early detection and treatment. Hospersa consistently encourages our members to undergo testing for HIV and TB through campaigns and educational initiatives.

Engaging Employers for Improvement

Our commitment extends to engaging with employers to enhance their workplace responses to HIV/AIDS and TB. We believe that collaboration and open dialogue are essential for creating healthier work environments.

Combating Stigma Through Education

Stigma and discrimination are formidable barriers to progress. Hospersa actively works to combat these issues through education and awareness campaigns, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for our members.

Addressing Elevated Risk Factors

Hospersa recognizes that healthcare workers face an elevated risk. With approximately 50,000 members in the health sector, we acknowledge the unique challenges they encounter. These challenges, coupled with the country’s high HIV prevalence, underscore the urgency of our efforts.

Our Vision: Zero New Infections

Our project aligns with the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2012-2016. We aim to achieve zero new HIV/TB infections, zero vertical transmission, zero preventable deaths, and zero discrimination related to HIV and TB. Through advocacy, education, and collaboration, we are committed to realizing this vision.

Empowering Through Education

We empower healthcare workers through a range of initiatives, including:

  1. Workplace Wellness Days: These events provide TB screening for 2000 health workers, HIV testing for 1000, and TB testing referrals for 100 in all nine provinces.
  2. TB Training Workshops: Conducted in all nine provinces, these sessions focus on TB-HIV and Occupational Health & Safety measures, enhancing the capacity of health sector workers.
  3. Youth Seminars: These seminars engage 300 young workers, providing information, awareness, and knowledge about their predisposing risk factors for HIV and TB. Emphasis is on prevention, behavioral change, and access to care.
  4. Advocacy and Awareness: We engage in advocacy, communication, and social mobilization to raise awareness, reduce stigma and discrimination, promote early HIV-TB detection, and ensure connection to care within the health sector.

Nurses Day: We ensure that our HIV-TB campaign messages are communicated during events celebrating International Nurses Day, emphasizing the importance of early detection and treatment.

Launch of a Workers’ Guide: In June 2015, Hospersa proudly launched “A Workers’ Guide – Addressing HIV & TB in the Workplace,” the first such guide in South Africa, spearheaded by workers, for workers.

Hospersa is steadfast in its commitment to preventing a disaster related to HIV/AIDS and TB among healthcare workers. We firmly believe in their right to Occupational Health Protection, and we are dedicated to making a difference.

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